Membership with Intervac

At Intervac we believe we have the best home exchangers in the world. If you'd like to find out for yourself, join us today on a FREE trial membership. You will receive access to our site for 21 days to try out all its features, browse our database and contact our members.

What Intervac offers for all members!

  • Access to all listings
  • Your listing posted with photos and text
  • Possibility to send and receive exchange offer
  • Possibility to save your favourite listings
  • Receive match alerts when listings meet your wishes
  • Personal statistics
  • Personal assistance and service from your national representative
  • Notification about new messages by e-mail
  • Free newsletter
  • Second listing free to post your second home
  • Instant translation tool
  • Pre-filled exchange agreement
Start a free trial

Member reference system

Our member reference system awards badges (Trial, Ready-to-go, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum) are based on the number of confirmed exchanges a family has made. The badge shows on the member’s listing.


on a free trial


no exchanges yet


1-2 exchanges


3-5 exchanges


6-10 exchanges


10+ exchanges
Act as a reference

After a member return home from their vacation they may choose to act as a reference for their exchange partner. These references are listed and may display feedback written by previous exchange partners on each member's listing page. This icon on a listing shows when a member have references. If you have questions about a member, you should feel free to contact their references to ask how the exchange worked out and if they were satisfied. Yes, there is trust involved in swapping homes, but with Intervac, you can also verify.

Become the next Intervac Ambassador

We are always looking for experienced members interested in helping us spread the word about Intervac and home exchange. If you are an experienced Intervac member and would like to help us spread the word about Intervac and home exchange, we invite you to become an ambassador.

What is an Intervac Ambassador supposed to do?

We expect each Ambassador to:

  • Send exchange stories that we can share on our blog, newsletter, and social media
  • Tell their friends about Intervac
  • Answer questions from new members
  • Be available for interviews by journalists in your country

Are there any benefits?

Yes! First of all, you get 3 months free on your membership when you become an Ambassador. Secondly, you get the special ambassador badge on your listing.

Become the next Intervac ambassador today!

Features on Intervac website

Je kan online heel wat informatie opgeven over je huis en de omgeving. Om je aanbod optimaal te laten renderen is het belangrijk om je huis en zijn omgeving aan te prijzen. Je moet aangeven wat je woonomgeving te bieden heeft en hoe je ze kan bereiken. Hoe meer informatie je kan bieden in de vorm van tekst en foto's hoe aantrekkelijker je aanbod zal zijn en hoe meer kans andere leden overtuigd zullen zijn dat jouw aanbod exact dat is wat ze zoeken.

Foto's en beschrijvende tekst

Intervac voorziet de mogelijkheid om tot twintig extra foto's op te laden. Je kan (onbeperkt) beschrijvende tekst opnemen onder de hoofding: mijn woning, familie, lifestyle en omgeving. Meertalige leden plaatsen vaak omschrijvingen in verschillende talen om de slaagkansen te verhogen bij het zoeken op basis van trefwoorden. Op basis van de hulptekst op deze site is dit eenvoudig om te doen. Bovendien zal je Intervac organisator je ook hierbij graag helpen.

A map of surroundings

Elke aanbieding heeft een Google kaart zodat de potentiele ruilpartners een goed beeld kunnen krijgen van de omgeving waar je woont. De markeerder is zodanig ingesteld dat de plaats van je woning niet helemaal precies wordt weergegeven. Indien je dat wenst kan je de plaats wijzigen door gebruik te maken van lengte- en breedtegraad.


  • Land
  • Regio
  • Ruildata
  • Slaapmogelijkheden
  • Guests
  • Of een combinatie van

Reverse searches

Intervac has the most comprehensive "reverse search" in the industry. We encourage our members to fill in as many regions and cities as they like (it\'s unlimited!) so that you can find all members who are specifically interested in visiting your country, region or nearest city.

Members favorites

Your Favorites list can help you keep track of your dream vacations. With the click of a button, you can add a listing to your favorites. Write notes to yourself in the notes section and keep track of your contacts.

Match alert!

Here is a nifty tool designed for the frequent exchanger with not much time for browsing. Tell our system what sort of offers interest you by saving your search criteria and check the Match Alert box. We\'ll let you know when a listing that matches your search criteria becomes available.

Geïntegreerd berichtensysteem

Yes, that's right, we have an integrated messaging system that allows you to contact other members and without ever leaving our website. You can see that a message has been sent and when it was read. Offers and answers to your messages are waiting for you when you login. You can contact several of your favorites at once and use templates to send your messages. As soon as you have set up your listing, you can start connecting with other members so that you can find your next home exchange!

Last Minute Aanbiedingen - "Hot List"

Look out for the hot listings icon

This is a succinct list of members looking for a partner for an exchange within the next 8 weeks. Adding your listing to the Last Minute List is easy as clicking a button. Your listing will appear on the Hot list for four days, after which you can click to add it again if you are still haven't found a home exchange.

Start your Intervac membership today

Exchanging your home with Intervac members is easy. After you have signed up and filled in your listing you can get started right away looking for a potential exchange partner. Your membership fee covers unlimited exchanges during a specific period of time (usually a year or more) and most of our members exchange several times a year.

Engage with intervac!

Subscribe to newsletter

We use our newsletter to keep our members informed. Subscribe to get the latest news about Intervac.

Leave us your feedback

Do you have a question, need assistance or have a suggestion? We are are at your service to help you.

Tell your story

Tell us about your last exchange so our readers feel like they were right there with you.